Rethinking Mortality: Exploring the Intersection of Life and Death

Rethinking Mortality: Exploring the Intersection of Life and Death

Scientific advances in the 21st century have led to major breakthroughs in the understanding of death. One in five survivors of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) who are revived back to life recall experiencing a heightened and transcendent state of consciousness that often follows a specific narrative arc. What can these remarkable experiences ultimately tell us about the nature of human consciousness?

Spiritual Materialism: Transcendent Encounters with the Sacred

Spiritual Materialism: Transcendent Encounters with the Sacred

What is the origin of our transcendent experiences? How should we interpret feelings of being connected to nature and the cosmos, of being part of something larger than ourselves, of being overcome with awe and wonder? Can such feelings arise from the forces of natural selection and the human brain, or must they be derived...

The Spiritual Impulse: Understanding the Experience of God

The Spiritual Impulse: Understanding the Experience of God

Numerous polls have consistently shown that most people around the world believe in the existence of God or some higher power. Indeed, many of these people not only believe in a deeper reality, but also claim to experience God directly. Can social science explain how rational people come to believe in God and experience the...

Cultivating the Mind: Reason and the Pursuit of Ethical Transformation

Cultivating the Mind: Reason and the Pursuit of Ethical Transformation

Rationality, long considered a distinctive characteristic of the human mind, provides us with the capacity for understanding and discernment, as well as the ability to introduce order into our thoughts by allowing us to form higher-order volitions, adopt values, establish priorities, and achieve a level of consistency in our actions across time. The ancient Socratic ideal of the “examined life” in pursuit of truth and justice relied on a definition of human nature that was to be cultivated in a systematic way.

Fathoming the Mind: A Closer Look at the Formation of Self

Fathoming the Mind: A Closer Look at the Formation of Self

Recent research in animal behavior and culture shows that the mental capacities of animals have been largely undervalued. And yet it is hard to resist the impression of a gap—a difference in nature rather than degree—between humans and non-humans when it comes to certain tasks involving abstraction, planning, sustained attention, or the transmission of culture over generations. How different is the human mind from the minds of non-human animals?

Unraveling the Mind: The Mystery of Consciousness

Unraveling the Mind: The Mystery of Consciousness

Few words in our language appear to cover such a broad and flexible swath of ideas as “the mind.” But what, actually, is the human mind? How does it relate to and differ from its seemingly inseparable companion, the brain? Where does the mind begin or emerge from? Is it merely a by-product of neural activities within the brain, or does it connect with deeper and more fundamental features of physical reality that possibly span across nature beyond the realm of living forms?

The Musical Art of Ostad Elahi 

The Musical Art of Ostad Elahi 

Hosted by New York Public Radio’s John Schaefer,  the sold-out event began with a debut documentary film screening on the life and music of Ostad Elahi. The film screening was followed by a panel discussion with Leili Anvar, Professor of Persian Language and Literature; Daniel Levitin, neuroscientist, musician, and bestselling author; and Theodore Levin, Arthur...

The Musical Legacy of Ostad Elahi

The Musical Legacy of Ostad Elahi

The sold-out program featured opening remarks by Ken Moore, Curator Emeritus of the Department of Musical Instruments, and Dr. Ebby Elahi, Ostad Elahi’s grandson, who provided a demonstration of some of the major innovations that Ostad Elahi introduced to the structure and playing style of the tanbur. The program also included a rare performance by...

Reality Is Not As It Seems

Reality Is Not As It Seems

Cognitive scientist Donald D. Hoffman and neurologist Suzanne O’Sullivan join Steve Paulson to discuss the elusive quest to understand the fundamental nature of consciousness, and why our perception of reality is not necessarily what it seems.

Cultivating Character: The Art of Living

Cultivating Character: The Art of Living

Philosopher of science Philip Kitcher joins Humean philosopher Valerie Tiberius and distinguished psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett to explore the role of wisdom in the interplay between positive emotions, virtues, and character.

The Moral Animal: Virtue, Vice & Human Nature

The Moral Animal: Virtue, Vice & Human Nature

Philosopher Christian Miller joins forces with cognitive neuroscientist Heather Berlin and science writer Michael Shermer to take a closer look at our moral ecology and its influence on our underlying assumptions about human nature.

After Life

After Life

In this hour, we explore the philosophical and religious dimensions of mortality and the afterlife. We talk about the art and poetry of remembrance, and now that much of our lives are lived online, how do we plan for our digital afterlives?

The Wake

The Wake

How do we mark death and celebrate lost lives around the globe? In this hour, we hear stories from inside the funeral industry, wonder why dead bodies can compell or repell us, and learn about the new Ghanaian tradition of "fantasy" coffins inspired by people's work and dreams.

The Last Moment

The Last Moment

We'll hear conflicting perspectives on the debate over near-death experiences. Do these extraordinary experiences reveal a transcendent reality, or are they simply the biochemical product of a brain that’s shutting down? Tune in for conversations about "conscious death," and how people are reclaiming the final moments of their lives.

Sunday at the MET

Sunday at the MET

Trace the spiritual and musical journey of Ostad Elahi through his remarkable art of the tanbūr. Welcome and Introduction:Kenneth Moore, Frederick P. Rose Curator in Charge, Department of Musical Instruments, MMA Lectures:“In Pursuit of Perfection: The Music and Life of Ostad Elahi”Jean During, Director of Research, Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie Performances:Garcia-Fons QuartetParissa and Ensemble Presented...

The Reckoning

The Reckoning

Did you hear? There's a death movement going on in America. After decades of sanitized death, with dying, funerals, burial and grief shielded from public view, some people are now working to make death a greater part of life. In this hour, we talk with experts about how to begin these difficult conversations, and how they can transform both the dying and the surviving.

Exit Plan

Exit Plan

We live much longer than we used to, thanks to medical advances, but what are the emotional and financial costs of extending life? Some doctors don't know how to talk with their patients about preparing for death, so there's now a push to have frank conversations about end-of-life care. Also,one family's story of working within Oregon's "Death with Dignity" law.

The Origins of the Universe:  Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?

The Origins of the Universe: Why Is There Something Rather than Nothing?

How is it possible for something to emerge from nothing, or has a universe in some form always existed? This question of origins — both of the universe as a whole and of the fundamental laws of physics — raises profound scientific, philosophical, and religious questions, culminating in the most basic existential question of all: Why are we here?

Opening Event

Opening Event

In celebration of the eponymous exhibition at the Met, the opening event will feature a series of stirring musical performances, including a rare appearance by tanbur grandmaster Chahrokh Elahi, as well as solo and duet pieces by renowned double bassist Renaud Garcia-Fons and master lutenist Claire Antonini, who will present a unique fusion of eastern...

Experiencing Death: An Insider’s Perspective

Experiencing Death: An Insider’s Perspective

Join neurologist Kevin Nelson, psychiatrist Peter Fenwick, orthopedic surgeon Mary Neal, and emergency medicine expert Sam Parnia as they share some of these remarkable stories and discuss how they analyze such experiences in light of their own backgrounds and training.

Prolonging Life: Legal, Ethical, and Social Dilemmas

Prolonging Life: Legal, Ethical, and Social Dilemmas

Medical director Christopher Comfort, organ transplant specialist Sam Shemie, ethicist Mildred Solomon, and attorney Barbara Coombs Lee will examine the underlying assumptions and considerations that ultimately shape individual and societal decisions surrounding these issues.

Reversing Death: The Miracle of Modern Medicine

Reversing Death: The Miracle of Modern Medicine

Emergency medicine experts Lance Becker and Sam Parnia and neurosurgeon Stephan Mayer discuss key discoveries and emerging technologies in resuscitation science that are helping to bring back those on the brink of death, and the difficult questions and ethical dilemmas they sometimes confront during medical crises.

KAMA: Reviving the Silk Road

KAMA: Reviving the Silk Road

Drawing their inspiration from Middle Eastern and Mediterranean musical traditions, the members of KAMA share a passion for musical fusion and experimentation. On the occasion of their debut performance as a band, these established jazz musicians invite their listeners to embark on a colorful and original musical journey, from Seville to Cairo, Jerusalem to Delhi,...

The Paradox of Sound: The Art & Science of Music Perception

The Paradox of Sound: The Art & Science of Music Perception

The creation and aesthetic appreciation of music as a universal art form can be traced in every culture throughout human history. Indeed, the infinite expression of sound has been used to effectively induce the whole spectrum of human emotions. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging have now shed light on the complex mechanisms underlying...

Music & the Mind: The Magical Power of Sound

Music & the Mind: The Magical Power of Sound

Cognitive neuroscientists and musicians Jamshed Bharucha and Charles Limb join music therapy pioneer Concetta Tomaino and jazz pianist Vijay Iyer to discuss the ability of music to both heal and elicit specific emotions at the interface of body, mind, and memory.

Higher Consciousness

Higher Consciousness

Suppose neuroscientists map the billions of neural circuits in the human brain…are we any closer to cracking the great existential mysteries—like meaning, purpose or happiness? Scientists, contemplatives and religious thinkers are now exploring the connections between neuroscience and contemplative practice and creating a new science of mindfulness.

Extraordinary Minds

Extraordinary Minds

Certain brain disorders can lead to remarkable insights....even genius. We'll peer into the world of autistic savants and dyslexics, and contemplate our cyborg future, when our brains merge with tiny, embedded computers. Also, one of the most fascinating investigations of consciousness: Stanislav Grof's pioneering study of LSD.

The Creative Brain

The Creative Brain

Creativity is a little like obscenity: You know it when you see it, but you can't exactly define it…unless you're a neuroscientist. In labs around the country, a new generation of scientists tackles the mystery of human creativity—where it comes from and how it works.

Wiring the Brain

Wiring the Brain

Scientists are launching one of the most audacious projects ever conceived: a detailed map of the human brain, neuron by neron, synapse by synapse. For some scientists, the goal isn't just to map the brain; it's to crack the mystery of consciousness. Explore the "connectome" and the differences between the left and right sides of the brain.

The Mystery of Memory: In Search of the Past

The Mystery of Memory: In Search of the Past

Psychologist Daniel Schacter, neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux, historian of science and medicine Alison Winter, and novelist and comparative literature professor André Aciman join forces to discuss how memory impacts our perception of ourselves, the development of personality, and the ability to construct and reconstruct our past experience.

Memory and Forgetting

Memory and Forgetting

Do you think your memory is a record of what actually happened? Chances are, it's not. New scientific findings show that with every act of remembering, our brains produce new neural circuits… creating new memories.

Mind and Brain

Mind and Brain

Neuroscientists have made remarkable discoveries about the brain, but so far, no one's come close to cracking the biggest mystery of all—the connection between the brain and the mind: how a tangle of neurons inside your skull produces… you?

The Thinking Ape: The Enigma of Human Consciousness

The Thinking Ape: The Enigma of Human Consciousness

Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman, philosopher David Chalmers, expert in primate cognition Laurie Santos, and physician-scientist Nicholas Schiff will discuss what it means to be "conscious" and examine the human capacities displayed in cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical behaviors, with a focus on the place and function of the mind within nature.

Who am I? Beyond ‘I Think, Therefore I Am’

Who am I? Beyond ‘I Think, Therefore I Am’

Can we ever really answer the long-standing philosophical question, “Who am I?” Philosophers, ethicists, and psychologists have all spoken to the difficulty of achieving genuine self-knowledge and the uncertainties of our judgment in evaluating oneself. The final seminar in the series will bring together philosopher Elie During, cognitive scientist David A. Jopling, social psychologist Timothy...

Me, Myself, and I: The Rise of the Modern Self

Me, Myself, and I: The Rise of the Modern Self

How did the modern concept of the Self emerge as a subject? Does the Self described by the classical Greeks, Aquinas, and philosophers of the Enlightenment match the reality of what we know about ourselves through human experience and psychological research? Historians Gerald Izenberg and Jerrold Seigel, philosopher Raymond Martin, and sociologist Norbert Wiley will...

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Linking Belief to Behavior

A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Linking Belief to Behavior

Philosopher Simon Critchley, cognitive scientist Shaun Gallagher, and physicist V.V. Raman will survey how the Self is shaped by interactions with the environment, how free will, responsibility, and other traits emerge, and how character and virtue become targets for constructing the Self. A self-fulfilling prophecy: linking belief to behavior by Esther Sternberg The self in...

The Pursuit of Immortality: From the Ego to the Soul

The Pursuit of Immortality: From the Ego to the Soul

Are we immortal? Do our souls exist beyond our bodies? What scientific evidence is there for mystical experience? These questions and others will be addressed from a cultural, historical, and scientific perspective by evolutionary biologist Kenneth Miller and theologians John Haught and Nancey Murphy. Science, self, and immortality by John F. Haught Immortality versus resurrection...

Quid Pro Quo: The Ecology of the Self

Quid Pro Quo: The Ecology of the Self

How does our concept of the Self differ from our concept of others? What makes the human concept of Self different from that of non-human selves such as animals? Philosopher and neurobiologist Owen Flanagan and psychologists Roy Baumeister and Paul Bloom will examine current biological, psychological, and anthropological research on the complex interaction between the...

Music for the Mind: The Art & Music of Ostad Elahi

Music for the Mind: The Art & Music of Ostad Elahi

Learn how new discoveries about the power of music and the effects of active listening can help to induce profound changes in your life. While the therapeutic benefits of music have long been explored, only recently have advances in neuroscience led to a better understanding of the profound effects of music on the brain. Ethnomusicologists,...

Can Science Be Sacred?

Can Science Be Sacred?

What if you don’t believe in God, and the thought of church makes you queasy? Can you still experience the sacred? There’s a growing movement of secular scientists who revel in the awe and wonder of nature. In fact, many consider this a religious experience – without God. This hour of To the Best of...

Can Islam and Science Coexist?

Can Islam and Science Coexist?

Islamic culture was once the center of the scientific world. During Europe’s Dark Ages, Baghdad, Cairo and other Middle Eastern cities were the key repositories of ancient Greek science. Muslim scholars themselves made breakthroughs in medicine, optics, and mathematics. Today the Islamic world lags far behind the West in science and technology. What happened? This...

To Be or Not To Be: The Self as Illusion

To Be or Not To Be: The Self as Illusion

Evidence from studies of the brain and mind point to a construct of the Self resulting from complex neurobiological processes interacting with the environment. If distinct neurobiological correlates of consciousness do in fact exist, does that necessarily imply that the Self is an epiphenomenon and illusion? Furthermore, how do these characterizations of the Self affect...

Does the “Soul” Still Matter?

Does the “Soul” Still Matter?

For centuries, we’ve been told the soul is what makes each of us unique. It’s why we have moral responsibility. And it’s the part of us that lives on after we die. But many scientists now say the soul is just an outdated myth, an idea that can be explained away by new insights from...

What Does Evolution Want?

What Does Evolution Want?

Are human beings just an evolutionary accident? What if the evolution of humans, or some brainy creature like us, was inevitable once life first appeared on Earth? In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, maverick paleontologist Simon Conway Morris explains why he believes evolution must ultimately lead to intelligent beings. Original Air...

What is Life?

What is Life?

Scientists can now explain virtually every stage of the evolutionary process. But there’s a basic question that still mystifies even the best scientists: How did life first begin on Earth? Or to put in another way, how did non-life somehow turn into life? And can we say the Earth itself is alive? This hour explores...

Life, Death & the Pursuit of Morality

Life, Death & the Pursuit of Morality

In this light, the second part of this symposium addresses the question of how our understanding of the concepts of life and death may affect our moral sensibility, decisions, and actions. In short, it engages scientific and humanistic focus upon the ways in which human finitude can, and perhaps should, impact moral character, values, and conduct in the rich and varied fabric of differing situations, societies, and cultures.

The Contingent Nature of Reality

The Contingent Nature of Reality

When confronted with the underlying nature of any reality, including perennial questions about the origin and purpose of our existence, we thus find it necessary to engage both logos and mythos to intuit the answers that we seek. For while myths provide a steppingstone for the advancement of rationality, the ongoing discovery of new evidence allows us to continually adapt and refine the mythic with the tools of logic. Some have argued that the ultimate bridge between these seemingly diametrical realms is "practice," which provides the observer with the necessary level of insight and understanding about the inherently contingent nature of the realities that one perceives.

A Scientific Look at Synchronicity: The Search for Meaning in Coincidence

A Scientific Look at Synchronicity: The Search for Meaning in Coincidence

Synchronicity, as defined by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, entails the simultaneous occurrence of a certain psychological state with one or more external events that appear as meaningful parallels; in other words, synchronicity references the notion of meaningful coincidence. Whether or not we choose to attribute meaning to such coincidences, they tend to constitute...

SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable

SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable

Where do we humans get our supernatural beliefs from? It seems obvious to many that children are gullible and believe what they are told. But such an indoctrination account fails to answer a number of questions about supernatural beliefs. For instance, where do the beliefs come from in the first place? Why do highly educated...

Encyclopaedia Iranica: The Legacy of a Nation Past and Present

Encyclopaedia Iranica: The Legacy of a Nation Past and Present

Join us for a special celebration commemorating the completion of the midway point of the Encyclopaedia Iranica, the landmark undertaking by its founding Editor, Dr. Ehsan Yarshater, to record and document the history, culture, and life of the Iranian peoples from prehistory to the present. Dr. Yarshater will survey the remarkable work that has been...

Decoding the Spiritual Messages of Everyday Life

Decoding the Spiritual Messages of Everyday Life

How can science help us develop our deeper spiritual potential? This unique approach to the question combines spirituality with key concepts from modern psychology to help us overcome challenges and become more perceptive, creative, and fulfilled. In this fascinating new book, Dr. Paul DeBell, a psychiatrist with 30 years experience in clinical and academic psychiatric...

Spirituality and the Brain

Spirituality and the Brain

Can contemplative disciplines such as yoga and meditation increase your brainpower? How should we define spirituality, and how is it different from religion? Four experts in the field of psychiatry discuss how techniques such as yoga, meditation and prayer can impact not just our beliefs and behavior but also the physiology of our brains. Featured...

Brain and Self

Brain and Self

Although there is a great deal about the brain that we do not yet know, what we do know can be used to understand our behavior, as well as our sense of self and ultimately even influence the direction of human cultural evolution. Dr. Gordon’s paintings use metaphors of the Brain and Self, and symbols...

Toward a Common Morality

Toward a Common Morality

Discoveries in neuroscience and in particular neurotechnology have provided a unique window through which we can glance into the intricate workings of the human brain. Technologies such as brain scanning using positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging have enabled us to now monitor and understand the detailed geographical representation of human emotions, feelings,...

Brain, Mind & the Nature of Being

Brain, Mind & the Nature of Being

As the fields that are broadly grouped under the rubric of neuroscience provide increasingly more information about the structure and function of neural systems and the brain, it becomes relatively easier to accept and use this data as “facts” to guide, if not actually dictate, our perspectives and activities. Indeed, in the past decade neuroscience...

Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being

Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being

Does the world make you sick? If the distractions and distortions around you, the jarring colors and sounds, could shake up the healing chemistry of your mind, might your surroundings also have the power to heal you? This is the question Esther Sternberg explores in Healing Spaces, a look at the marvelously rich nexus of...

How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist

How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist

 Whether you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, or even an Atheist, thinking about God can improve your cognitive functioning, physical health, and make the world a safer place to live. In How God Changes Your Brain, neuroscientist Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman prove, for the first time, that meditation/prayer improves memory and helps...

The Science Behind Happiness

The Science Behind Happiness

Despite the age-old quest to define the nature of happiness and identify its root cause(s), there is still no universal consensus on how happiness can be truly achieved. Recent scientific research has identified a number of factors that seem to correlate with happiness. Join our panelists as they examine these factors from a variety of...

The Faces of Love: Hafez and the Poets of Shiraz

The Faces of Love: Hafez and the Poets of Shiraz

Currently working on a selection of poems by three 14th century Persian poets—Hafez, Obeyd-e Zakani, and Jahan Khatun—Prof. Davis will discuss the details and challenges of his forthcoming book, The Faces of Love: Hafez and the Poets of Shiraz (Mage, December 2009) as well as the intriguing relationship between these three contemporary poets from Shiraz...

My Uncle Napoleon

My Uncle Napoleon

Dubbed as “the most beloved Iranian novel of our time,” My Uncle Napoleon is Iraj Pezeshkzad’s widely-acclaimed literary masterpiece, a hilarious satire about youthful love in an extended Iranian family ruled by the egomaniacal and paranoid patriarch, Dear Uncle Napoleon. The novel’s universal themes of love and family relationships, blended with its keen insight into...

Traces of Nostalgia

Traces of Nostalgia

Widely recognized as the preeminent translator of Persian poetry and verse into English today—having rendered such literary masterpieces as Attar’s Conference of the Birds, Ferdowsi’s epic Shahnameh in three volumes, Gorgani’s Vis and Ramin, and Pezeshkzad’s My Uncle Napoleon—Prof. Dick Davis is also an award-winning poet with exceptional prosodic skill and range. Among Davis’s numerous...

Strings Resonance: A Musical Performance

Strings Resonance: A Musical Performance

A special musical performance featuring a series of solo and duet pieces inspired by a vision of converging Eastern and Western musical traditions into a seamless, harmonious whole that reflects the universal nature of humankind. Renaud Garcia-Fons: Often referred to as “The Paganini of double bass,” the largest bowed stringed instrument in the orchestra, world-renowned...

Three Musical Precursors: Beethoven, Debussy & Stravinsky

Three Musical Precursors: Beethoven, Debussy & Stravinsky

 While it is certainly true that creativity constitutes one of the main components of any work of art, it does not necessarily follow that all creative minds engender new paths for subsequent generations to follow or rebel against. Beethoven, Debussy, and Stravinsky are thus exceptional in this regard, for history has shown that these three...

From Consciousness to the Soul: A Philosopher’s Journey in Neurotheology

From Consciousness to the Soul: A Philosopher’s Journey in Neurotheology

The trend of contemporary research labeled as “neurotheology” has a strange flavor for philosophers trained on a Cartesian diet. It offers an unusual blend of cutting-edge science and traditional spirituality, of experimentalism, hard-won facts and lofty philosophical speculations. Drawing from quantum physics and brain science, behavior therapy and mysticism, “neurotheologians” probe issues of ordinary psychology...

Mind-Body Connections: How Does Consciousness Shape the Brain?

Mind-Body Connections: How Does Consciousness Shape the Brain?

certainly does not render it a good candidate for reduction to a physical basis. Noting that physical theories alone would be compatible with the absence of consciousness, popular philosophical arguments have long highlighted the fact that an adequate theory of consciousness requires more than mere brain physics can provide. In short, there is something more to our minds than meets the eye in brain imagery.

A Tribute to Dick Davis

A Tribute to Dick Davis

Professor Dick Davis, a noted English poet, has emerged as the foremost translator of a number of masterpieces of Persian poetry into English verse, thereby rendering a rare service to their widespread recognition. Born in Portsmouth, England, in 1945, and educated at the universities of Cambridge (B.A. and M.A. in English Literature) and Manchester (PhD....

In Search of the Self: The Science of Transcendence

In Search of the Self: The Science of Transcendence

One of the subjects that has both captivated and eluded humankind throughout time is the mystery of the “Self”-that entity which endows each of us with our unique and transcendent personalities, thoughts, traits, and emotions. Although we are inherently aware of and involved with our own selves, we neither understand how this sense of self...

The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul

The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul

Mounting a sweeping critique of a trend in popular science and the media to explain away religious experience as an artifact of the brain, neural pathology, or evolutionary idiosyncrasy, Prof. Mario Beauregard warns against the temptation to force the complex varieties of human spirituality into simplistic categories and models that are often conceptually crude, culturally...

Contemporary Mysticism: The Quest for Meaning in a Secular World

Contemporary Mysticism: The Quest for Meaning in a Secular World

Moderated by Ebby Elahi, MD, FACS Prof. James W. Morris Dept. of Theology, Boston College Prof. Jawid Mojaddedi Dept. of Religion, Rutgers University Prof. Simon Weightman Dept. of the Study of Religions, Univeristy of London Musical Performance by Emmanuel During & Ensemble The history of humanity is deeply intertwined with a search for transcendence and...

Timeless Beauty

Timeless Beauty

Over the past five decades, Ovissi has firmly established himself as a brilliant and versatile artist whose elegant work presents a unique blend of European, Persian, and contemporary art. Combining his passion and admiration of his Persian heritage with his love of beauty and artistic expression, Ovissi has published over 15 books and is the...

Spirituality in Daily Life: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ostad Elahi

Spirituality in Daily Life: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Ostad Elahi

The life of Ostad Elahi (1895-1974), the celebrated master musician, jurist, philosopher and spiritual teacher—spanned a period of dramatic transformation in the conditions of religious life, both in his native Iran and globally. The striking contrast between the traditional ascetic disciplines and ecstatic rituals of his childhood upbringing, and his later experience of a deeply...

Temps i Espai (Time and Space)

Temps i Espai (Time and Space)

Though “Time and Space” represent two concepts that have taken on a multitude of interpretations throughout history, ranging from the two basic categories of human beings, according to Harvey, to merely being an illusion as Berkley has claimed, Miquel Solis’s special conception of time and space is more closely aligned with Kant’s perspective, in which...

Mind over Matter: Unlocking the Secrets of the Spiritual Brain

Mind over Matter: Unlocking the Secrets of the Spiritual Brain

Receiving international media coverage for his work on the effects of consciousness and volition on the emotional brain and the neural correlates of the mystical experience in Carmelite nuns, Dr. Mario Beauregard will present a nonmaterialist view of the relationships between mind, consciousness, and brain based upon various lines of scientific evidence set forth in...

Unifying Melodies: Redefining the Infinite World of Musical Creativity

Unifying Melodies: Redefining the Infinite World of Musical Creativity

Composing original music is a joyous, stimulating, and liberating activity, but has historically been off limits to many people because of their supposed lack of musical training. Tod Machover and his innovative group at the MIT Media Lab, however, have specialized in developing tools and experiences—such as Hyperscore—that allow anyone to create their own music...

A Life Unseen: A Legacy of One Woman’s Courage, Humanity & Insight

A Life Unseen: A Legacy of One Woman’s Courage, Humanity & Insight

A simple and courageous woman who led by example, Malek Jân (1906-1993) devoted her entire life to the service of humanity and advocacy for the rights of oppressed woman and children. Notwithstanding her lack of sight and frail stature, and armed only with the strength of her character and the depth of her convictions, this...

Judging Children as Children: A Proposal for a Juvenile Justice System

Judging Children as Children: A Proposal for a Juvenile Justice System

 How does a civilized society view children and adolescents who violate the law? Should a just society punish such juveniles, and if so, what form should this punishment take? Should children and young offenders be treated as adults, as they currently are in most states around the country? And what are the policy consequences of...

The Art of Listening: A Melodic Evening with Farhad Mechkat

The Art of Listening: A Melodic Evening with Farhad Mechkat

Critically acclaimed international composer, conductor, and musical virtuoso Farhad Mechkat shares his unique perspective and insights on the fascinating world of classical music. Examining the subtleties of the age-old art of listening, Mechkat draws upon a lifetime of musical experience to help listeners open new doors for the appreciation and enjoyment of the most beautiful...

Healing Light: Thirty Messages of Love, Hope, and Courage

Healing Light: Thirty Messages of Love, Hope, and Courage

Poet and author Alexandra Villard de Borchgrave offers a profoundly personal response to the tumultuous, emotional aftershocks of the devastation being witnessed today around the world. The author pays special homage to those who lost their lives or loved ones in these attacks by compassionately lending her voice to a more universal application, featured in...

What Happens When We Die

What Happens When We Die

Dr. Sam Parnia faces death every day. Through his work as a critical-care doctor in a hospital emergency room, he became interested in his patients’ accounts of experiences that they had while clinically dead. After collecting these stories and reviewing the latest research, he decided to conduct his own experiments in the field, resulting in...

A Literary Evening with Shashi Tharoor

A Literary Evening with Shashi Tharoor

Dubbed as “one of the best in a generation of Indian authors” and “a fluid and powerful writer” by The New York Times Book Review, Shashi Tharoor, the eloquent Under-Secretary-General of Public Information at the United Nations and the acclaimed author of six books, is once again at his provocative best in his latest work,...