Hosted by New York Public Radio’s John Schaefer, the sold-out event began with a debut documentary film screening on the life and music of Ostad Elahi. The film screening was followed by a panel discussion with Leili Anvar, Professor of Persian Language and Literature; Daniel Levitin, neuroscientist, musician, and bestselling author; and Theodore Levin, Arthur R. Virgin Professor of Music at Dartmouth College. Moderated by John Schaefer, the panel engaged in a lively and insightful discussion on the origin, evolution, and impact of Ostad Elahi’s musical art. April 5, 2019 The Musical Legacy of Ostad Elahi April 6, 2019 The Musical Art of Ostad Elahi DetailsSaturday, April 6, 2019 The Metropolitan Museum of ArtGrace Rainey Rogers Auditorium EventsThe Musical Art & Legacy of Ostad Elahi at the Met April 5, 2019 The Musical Legacy of Ostad Elahi April 6, 2019 The Musical Art of Ostad Elahi MorePREVIOUS EVENTThe Musical Legacy of Ostad ElahiNEXT EVENTUnpacking Wonder: From Curiosity to Comprehension