How does a civilized society view children and adolescents who violate the law? Should a just society punish such juveniles, and if so, what form should this punishment take? Should children and young offenders be treated as adults, as they currently are in most states around the country? And what are the policy consequences of trying such children as adults? These are precisely the difficult questions that Michael A. Corriero tackles in his recent book, Judging Children as Children: A Proposal for a Juvenile Justice System (Temple University Press 2006).As the Presiding Judge and founder of Manhattan’s Youth Part, a New York City court specifically designed to resolve cases of children as young as 13 who are tried as adults, Judge Corriero draws upon his wealth of firsthand experience in the field to present a compelling argument for a revised system of justice that takes into account the mental, emotional, and physical abilities of young people in order to provide them with an opportunity to be rehabilitated as productive members of society instead of being locked up in jail.Join us for a special evening as Judge Corriero shares his invaluable insight and guiding principles behind his latest proposal for a better juvenile justice system that seeks to improve the lives of children and ensure the safety of our communities. Judge Corriero will also sign copies of his new book at the conclusion of his lecture.Location: The Nour Foundation Gallery322 West 108th Street, New York, NY MorePREVIOUS EVENTThe Art of Listening: A Melodic Evening with Farhad MechkatNEXT EVENTA Life Unseen: A Legacy of One Woman’s Courage, Humanity & Insight