The Extended Mind: Unraveling the Mysteries of Consciousness

A Lecture by Peter Fenwick, MD October 30, 2006

A prominent neuropsychiatrist and fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Dr. Peter Fenwick is a leading clinical authority on near-death experiences, having analyzed more than 300 of these life-altering events in the course of four decades of research. Associated with the Mental Health Group at the University of Southampton, Dr. Fenwick is also chairman of the Scientific and Medical Network, a group of doctors and scientists seeking to deepen understanding in science and medicine by fostering intuitive as well as rational insights. In this regard, he has had a longstanding interest in brain function, the relationship of the mind and the brain, and the problem of consciousness. With an extensive research record that includes over 240 published papers in medical and scientific journals on brain function, as well as several papers on meditation and altered states of consciousness, Dr. Fenwick has coauthored three popular books with his wife, Elizabeth Fenwick: The Truth in the Light (1997), Past Lives: An Investigation into Reincarnation Memories (1999), and The Hidden Door: Understanding and Controlling Dreams (1999).

Location: The Nour Foundation Gallery
322 West 108th Street, New York, NY
