Valerie Tiberius

Valerie Tiberius, PhD

Valerie Tiberius, PhD

Valerie Tiberius is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, an institution she has been affiliated with since 1998. Tiberius received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Toronto, before going on to receive a master’s and doctorate in philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her doctoral thesis was titled Deliberation About the Good, which later became the basis for her first book. Tiberius’s work has focused on ethics and moral psychology, with a special interest in applying Humean principles to modern philosophical questions. Much of her work is centered at the junction of practical philosophy and practical psychology, examining how both disciplines can meaningfully improve lives. Much of her work takes a non-traditional empirical approach to traditional philosophical questions.

Professor Tiberius has published numerous reviewed papers, and contributed many book chapter, introductions, and other articles. She has also authored three books – The Reflective Life: Living Wisely with our Limits, Deliberation about the Good: Justifying What We Value, and Moral Psychology: A Contemporary Introduction. Much of her work has taken a practical, empirical approach to philosophical questions, trying to show how these disciplines can improve the world for the better. She is currently working on a fourth book, Well-Being as Value Fulfillment, and has also contributed numerous other book chapters, introductions, and other articles.
