Joseph LeDouxJoseph LeDoux, PhDJoseph LeDoux is a University Professor at NYU in the Center for Neural Science, and he directs the Emotional Brain Institute of the Nathan Kline Institute. His work has focused on the study of the neural basis of emotions, especially fear and anxiety. His work has elaborated in detail how the brain detects and responds to danger, and learns and forms memories about threats.Professor LeDoux is the author of The Emotional Brain and Synaptic Self. LeDoux has received a number of awards, including the Karl Spencer Lashley Award from the American Philsophical Society, the Fyssen International Prize in Cognitive Science, the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, the American Psychological Association Donald O. Hebb Award, the Karl S. Lashely Prize from the American Philosophical Society. [addtoany]Profile detailsLikes:0 Categories:Speaker