Laurie SantosLaurie Santos, PhDLaurie Santos is Associate Professor of Psychology at Yale University and the director of The Comparative Cognition Laboratory. She received her BA in Psychology and Biology and her PhD in Psychology from Harvard University. Her research explores the evolutionary origins of human cognition by studying the cognitive capacities of non-human primates. She has investigated a number of topics in comparative cognition, including primates understanding of other minds and the origins of irrational decision-making. Laurie’s research has been featured in The New York Times, The Economist, and The New Yorker.She is the recipient of Harvard University’s George W. Goethals Award for Teaching Excellence, Yale University’s Arthur Greer Memorial Prize for Outstanding Junior Faculty, and the Stanton Prize from the Society for Philosophy and Psychology for outstanding contributions to interdisciplinary research. She was recently voted one of Popular Science Magazine’s Brilliant 10 Young Minds. [addtoany]Profile detailsLikes:0 Categories:Speaker