Concetta Tomaino

Concetta Tomaino, DA

Concetta Tomaino, DA

Concetta Tomaino is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function and Senior Vice President for Music Therapy at Beth Abraham Family of Health Services. She received the Masters and Doctor of Arts in Music Therapy from New York University. Dr. Tomaino is on the faculty of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, the ATTP II team of the National Parkinson’s Foundation and the New York State Geriatric Education Consortium. Dr. Tomaino is a founding board member of the International Association for Music and Medicine.

Dr. Tomaino is internationally known for her research in the clinical applications of music and neurologic rehabilitation. She is past president of the American Association for Music Therapy and received the Award of Accomplishment from Music Therapists for Peace at the United Nations. Her work has been featured in national programs including 48 Hours and 60 Minutes; in international programs including the BBC; and in books on health and healing, including A Matter of Dignity, by Andrew Potok; The Mozart Effect, by Don Campbell; Sounds of Healing, by Mitchell Gaynor, MD; and An Anthropologist on Mars, by Oliver Sacks, MD. Dr. Sacks book Musicophilia is dedicated to her.
