Thomas MetzingerThomas Metzinger, PhDThomas Metzinger is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and an Adjunct Fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Study. He recently finished a prestigious Fellowship at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study, is past president of the German Cognitive Science Society and currently is president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. His research focus lies in analytical philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and philosophical aspects of the neuro- and cognitive sciences as well as connections between ethics, philosophy of mind and anthropology. He has edited the collections Conscious Experience (Imprint Academic, 1996) and Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions (MIT Press, 2000), and one scientific monograph, Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity (MIT Press, 2004). He is the author of The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self (Basic Books, 2009) which discusses the ethical, cultural and social consequences of consciousness research for a broad audience. [addtoany]Profile detailsLikes:0 Categories:Speaker