Peter Hacker

Peter Hacker, Ph.D.

Peter Hacker, Ph.D.

Professor P.M.S. Hacker is currently Emeritus Research Fellow at Oxford University’s St. John’s College, where he had been a fellow from 1966-2006. His visiting positions at other universities include: Visiting Professor at Swarthmore College in 1973 and 1986, Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan in 1974, Milton C. Scott Visiting Professor, Queen’s University, Kingston in 1985. From 1985-1987 he held a British Academy Research Readership, and from 1991-1994 he was a Leverhulme Senior Research Fellow.

Dr. Peter Hacker is one of the most notable authorities on Wittgenstein and a distinguished historian of the analytic tradition. He is author of the four-volume Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations, the first two volumes co-authored with G. P. Baker (Blackwell, 1980-96) and of Wittgenstein’s Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 1996). He has also written and lectured extensively on the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind, as well as the relationship between philosophy and neuroscience. His most recently published books include Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003), and History of Cognitive Neuroscience (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008), both co-authored with M. R. Bennett, and Human Nature: The Categorial Framework (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007).
