Peter Fenwick

Peter Fenwick, MBBCh, DPM, FRCPsych

Peter Fenwick

Peter Fenwick is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, and associated with the Mental Health Group at the University of Southampton. He is also Consultant Neuropsychiatrist to the Epilepsy Unit at the Maudsley Hospital and at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, and holds a visiting professorship in Japan, where he spends three months of the year in advanced neuropsychiatric research. Fenwick is the president of the Horizon Research Foundation, an organization that supports research into end-of-life experiences. He has had a longstanding interest in brain function, the relationship of the mind and the brain, and the problem of consciousness. He has an extensive research record and has published over 200 papers in medical and scientific journals on brain function and also several papers on meditation and altered states of consciousness.

Dr. Fenwick has been part of the editorial board for a number of journals, including the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, the Journal of Consciousness Studies and the Journal of Epilepsy and Behaviour. He is the co-author with his wife, Elizabeth Fenwick, of The Truth in the Light, Past Lives: An Investigation into Reincarnation Memories, The Hidden Door: Understanding and Controlling Dreams. In their latest book, The Art of Dying, the Fenwicks argue that modern medical practices have devalued end-of-life experiences, and call for a more holistic approach to death and dying.
